Saturday, July 26, 2008

7 weeks already!

Whew, this last seven weeks have flown by yet been very slow and tiring. I just now have had the time to sit down and write and reflect on these past two lets start from the end of school.

I was measuring pretty large, actually I was measuring two weeks over what I should have been which was ok but the doctors wanted to check things out. So I had another ultrasound because they thought baby Bray was extra huge. What ended up being the case was that he was normal size when they measured me but I had a whole lot of extra amniotic fluid in there which was making me so big. They said everything looked ok but they would do anther ultrasound in a week. (At this point I was about 38 weeks along.) In the meantime I talked to one of my med school friends (Jenn Wilson) and told her of my latest pregnancy news. Around the same time Casey did some research on extra amniotic fluid in the womb and the results did not look so good. Jenn also did not tell me of all the problems associated with this. Casey was quite worried and Jenn told me after Bray arrived safely of all the horrible conditions such as the intestine's of the baby developing outside of his abdomen.

Here are a couple pictures of how huge I was. Things that were said to me a million of times by all sorts of different people..."Are you sure you are not having twins"...."You still have not had that Baby"...."You look like you are going to POP!" Wow, being a huge pregnant person taught me SO many things NOT to say to a pregnant woman. Advice to all: Just say wow you look so great or cute, don't comment of her size! :-)

I will have to finish my entry later because Bray is waking up and it is time to eat!

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