Monday, March 31, 2008

30 weeks with 10 more to Go

Wow, I have gotten behind in my blogging. But hopefully once the baby comes I can use this to keep everybody posted on how he is doing!

I am now about 30 weeks along in my pregnancy which means only about 10 more. I can't believe that in 2 months my life will change forever. I know this child will teach me about my own selfishness and show me how to depend on God more than ever. I try to imagine what it will be like to hold this bundle of joy in my arms and know he is my flesh and blood and I just can't wrap my mind around it.

Today we went to the doctor for my Diabetes test and for another ultra sound. I had heard horror stories of how the drink they use to test you blood was so awful. I did not think it was that bad, but if you know me, you know I like sugar. Well anyways some time went by and I went back for my ultrasound to check my uterus. Once she finished looking at the baby I was like oh no, I don't feel so good. I think if I had stood up at that moment I would have passed out. But thankfully I didn't!! It was quite a weird feeling though. And also my placenta has moved up with the baby so a natural birth should be in order now.

Once again I am amazed with God's grace and goodness to me during this pregnancy. As I have all these worries and fears about delivery, being a mom, and supporting a child God always comes to the rescue and calms my fears. I am so thankful that there is someone bigger than me out there controlling all of life's issues.

Oh yeah, we got to see a pretty good view of Baby Ackley's face today in the ultrasound, it was so cute. The technician doing the ultrasound said he had nice round checks. I am sure he will be a chubby baby. I can't wait to meet you little Peanut Ackley!!

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